Friday, May 7, 2010

Who I am

Greetings to all who have found their way to my little spot in the digital universe. Let me begin by fully acknowledging that aside from my wife who loves me and will read this just because of that, I am under no illusion that this might very easily be an elaborate form of playing Solitaire. Be that as it may, If by chance you do find my posts to be remotely entertaining or enlightening, (I dont think I can be Glenn Beck and do both at the same time) then I feel responsible to tell you a few things about myself and where I come from. This will be probably the hardest post as it will be hard to decide what to put in and leave out. Hopefully, future posts will be cleaner and to the point, but who knows, I do tend to ramble. Just ask Kate.

So about me. I am a 44 year old, divorced and remarried father of three teen-age sons. I am a cradle Southern Baptist who also wen to a private christian school most of my secondary years. Most importantly, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe Him to be God Incarnate and that he chose to come to earth and become a man so that he could do something for me that I couldn't, pay for my sins. Although I often fail miserably to live up to his calling, my mission is to live a life that points others to His glory ( that would be religious speak for 'Awesomeness').

Although a life-long member of Southern Baptist churches, I am married to an equally commited servant of Christ who is a life-long member of the Catholic Church. This has created very few and very minor conflicts because we recognize we agree on 90-95% percent of doctrinal issues and have followe one motto, "You, Me, and God) in every part of our marriage.

My profession is education. I have been a secondary teacher and administrator for 17 years. I chose this profession because I enjoy it, and I am good at. There is a saying that goes,"Those who can, do; those who can't, teach" My experience has been that those who "can't" usually "can't teach" either. I tried leaving teaching for a short period of time and was miserable. I came to the conclusion that I would rather be happy and poor and went to teaching. Since then I have learned the important financial lesson that being poor is about how much you spend more than it is about how much you earn.

My hobbies include reading, home remodeling and repair projects, and playing poker when there is a little extra time or money. Whether this blog evolves into a legitimate hobby is yet to be seen. I've tried it before with little consistency, but I really want an outlet to put my thoughts down in print and so am trying again.

My father is a man who taught me the value of hard work and the importance of common sense, two traits I see less and less of in our world today. He was also a man who believed in fixing things himself or learn to fix himself. I have tried to learn as much as I can from him and still fill woefully inadequate to pass his many skills down to my own children.

I have been fortunate to have many positive influences in my life. My best friend growing up was the iron that sharpened my own. I had a pastor who taught biblical truth in simple common terms and was one of the greatest storytellers I ever heard. My Sunday School teacher from my secondary years to post-college is a soft-spoken man who though 10 years my senior, now looks younger than me. His depths of wisdom and again, practical common sense, have had a tremendous impact on who I am today.

My three teen-age sons are my greatest joy and my deepest concern. Not concern because they are kids doing awful bad things, but because of the reponsibility I constantly shoulder in hoping that I am being the best father I can to guide them into becoming responsible, young, Christian men. The time of my being in charge is almost done and soon it will be my prayers that will best help and guide them.

My wife Kate is the light of my life. She is a marvel to watch and I am daily amazed at how blessed I am that God brought her into my life. She defines unconditional love and is passionate about her relationships with everyone that comes into her life. She is my best friend, my companion in intimacy, and my spiritual help-mate. We laugh, cry, fight, hug, sing, mourn, rejoice harder with each other than with anyone else.

Finally, a word about this blog. I have gone back and forth when it comes to reading blogs and for that matter posting or creating my own. The bottome line is this. Anyone writing on the internet for all the world to see has some level of ego he or she is trying to stroke. We write because we want people to read and comment on our thoughts. If we didnt, we could just go to Barnes and Noble and buy a diary or journal. Saying that, what has typically driven me from spending time reading peoples thoughts on the internet is the sheer massive size of their egos and opinions. Everyone becomes Homer Simpson when they start pontificating online and the little voice that says "Don't say that outloud" is magically bound and gagged. My goal here is not to provoke, although I have no doubts inevitably I will. I don't mind discussion or disagreement, but I am not looking for a war of words. I invite anyone to post their thoughts on my comments, but I will only engage in debate through private e-mail. So if you hope for a more spirited discussion on a topic, please include your e-mail address. I love debate as long as we can agree that we will share a virtual beer afterwards( or a real one if I know you and you live close).

Well, thats a start. My next few posts will focus on my core beliefs in regards to the topics that title my blog. Hope you come back and enjoy.

1 comment:

All comments will be reviewed for profanity or excessively aggressive or provocations. You may disagree, but I will only debate through e-mail and will not respond to challenges through comments. I am not here to make enemies.